Wednesday, June 18, 2003

The good folk over at GreenGourd's Garden have a little blurb on a Louisiana state controversy over whether mayhaw or cane should be the official state jelly. I don't have much to add, except for a couple of comments on the links provided therein. On the newspaper link, the first line of the article reads as follows:

Not since the argument over whether the strawberry or the watermelon should be the state fruit has an issue like the official state jelly divided Louisiana lawmakers.

Now maybe it's just me, but if a civil war erupts in your state every time you try to name an official state foodstuff, shouldn't you maybe stop doing it?!
My other comment relates to the wording of the law. Each paragraph names one of the jellies an official state jelly, and then proclaims the following:
Its use on official documents of the state and with the insignia of the state is hereby authorized.

If only I were a member of the Louisiana state legislature, the bill would have this rider attached:
"Its use on rye toast is also hereby authorized."
(Alternate punchline: With mayhaw and cane jelly on all the state's official documents, legislation becomes increasingly hard to pass, as the pages keep sticking together.)

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