Sunday, March 16, 2003

Strange week, this past one. Mom's job takes her away from home for seven weeks at a time, then home for 10 days, then back out, etc., until she comes home for three months at the holidays. She finished her 10 days at home today and is on her way to Cumberland, Maryland, as I type. So she was home, my brother was home because of Spring Break, Dad was home because he's only working a few hours a week at the moment, and I was home off assignment. Everyone being home at once was a strange rare condition that led to some pleasantness and some unpleasantness. Nothing major, just standard-issue family stuff, but four adults together in the house is too many, and I'm glad things will be back to normal this week.

Blogging was also down last week because the people logjam led to a computer logjam, but also I feel like I need a little bit of privacy to blog, and I just didn't have that. I should be back to my regular frequency this week.

So instead of blogging (or, for that matter, reading--new reviews coming soon, I hope), I've been playing a whole lot of Yahoo Games. In fact, at several points over the last week, I've been openly playing canasta. My first college advisor warned me that newsgroups were a sinkhole for time; she was right, but it turns out that online gaming is a black hole. Last Sunday I was playing card and word games for eight hours; just looking at that in print makes me feel extra pathetic. But if you're there, look for me--I'll be playing as margarineofevil.

Speaking of which, I'm going back to Cal U this week. After Lisa's comment I'm not holding my breath about the paralegal work possibility, but I will jump to that if it becomes available. An eight-hour day and a short commute has its charms, however, so I'll put up with the university work until something better comes along. As long as I can save up enough to be driving to L.A. with a car full of my stuff by August 1, I'm content.

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