Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Hopefully a work-related narrative is coming later, but until then, you know the drill...

  • Usually I'm about the biggest defender of popular and mass culture of anyone, but nothing makes me go all Adorno and Horkheimer (i.e.: hatin' the game, not the playa) quite as much as when I get a song stuck in my head, and that song happens to be a commercial jingle.
  • If there were a Craig Barker-style tournament of Songs That On the Surface Are Purely Innocent, But Scratch No Deeper Than You Would With a Penny On a Lottery Ticket And It's Just One Big Sexual Innuendo, I would hope that the finals would come down to "Brand New Key" by Melanie ("I've got a brand new pair of roller skates you've got a brand new key, I think that we should get together and try the match and see...") and "What's New Pussycat?" by Tom Jones ("Pussycat, pussycat you're delicious and if my wishes can all come true, I'll soon be kissing your sweet little pussycat lips...").
  • "Spill The Wine" by War might also figure prominently, but I just don't understand it.
  • Yes, I was listening to the Boogie Nights soundtrack on the way in to work this morning, thank you very much.
  • I was disappointed by Rob's demise in the Survivor finale, and by the fact that I was totally off-base in thinking that getting rid of Heidi over Jenna was a good way for the guys to keep immunity in the family. And shocked (SHOCKED!, I tell you) that in the 6-1 final vote Butch was on the side of the one, marking about the 12th consecutive time he was on the wrong side of a vote. But what I really really want to know is, is Bridgeville's own (OK, South Fayette Township's own) Jenna Morasco going to be appearing at a Trolls game anytime soon? Mr. Kidder, you need to get on this, so to speak. You bring the chocolate, I'll bring the peanut butter.
  • "Wingmaaaaaaan, you're takin' one for the team, so your buddy can live the dream..." AAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!
  • Yahoo mail still has little chance of actually reaching me at the moment.
  • Work stories will hopefully be following later today or at least later this week. As a special sneak preview, I got to oversee the firing of two people who probably averaged twice my age apiece yesterday. That's always fun. Sorry, kids, grandpa won't be putting a twenty in your birthday card this year.
  • In that Saturn Ion commercial with a big yard party going on as the car rides past, the very last house you see on the extreme left--the yellow and brown one that mostly appears in the only shot from a skew angle--is the boarding house I lived in for a year with a beautiful Austrian girl, an Indian family with ADD (including Naveen, who legally dropped his last name and was just "Naveen"), their incontinent dogs, an MBA student from Albany, and an automobile from the 1970s large enough to knock part of the house off its moorings (not in theory but in fact). Ah, memories...

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