Tuesday, April 15, 2003

I take the "T", which is part trolley/part subway/part el, into work every morning, and one thing just kills me every day. Actually, it's two manifestations of the same phenomenon. The first part happens at the park-and-ride lot every morning. I always see people comically running to catch the train--people in serious businesswear, people you couldn't imagine running in any other context period. "Why does this kill me?" you ask. Because during rush hour the T comes approximately every four minutes. Really, people, wait it out. It'll be OK.

The second manifestation comes on the escalator when we arrive, where many people are bolting up and then practically power-walking off to the office. People, you're going to freakin' work. Take it easy. Those extra 30 seconds are not going to make or break the big deal. I first noticed this second part in DC when I interned years ago on Capitol Hill. Why do these people multiply the aggravation of their morning commute by stressing out over every last second? I actually find a few moments to gather myself on the platform or the escalator to be relaxing; take a deep breath, folks, the rest of your day will be stressful enough...

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