Sunday, April 06, 2003

I've added a new link on the left to, which is a sister-site of sorts to the Athletic Reporter. This site has bloggish qualities, but I wouldn't call it a blog because it is clearly a more professional site than what I would put under that category. I checked out this site because it showed up in the sites referring to the Beallsvonian, and it was worth it. As you might imagine, the writing on a site named pH7 is neither basic nor acidic. It is, however, funny in places, serious in others, and smart in both. Jameson is a regular Erle Stanley Gardner. Well, maybe he's Erle Stanley Gardner, but he's not exactly...--explore the site if you want to know what that means.

I do also need to clear something up here, though. When first plugging The Athletic Reporter, I was grasping at straws to try to designate a particular relationship and I referred to Jameson (apparently to his great amusement) as a "solid acquaintance". I'm not sure where I pulled that term, but part of it had to do with Mr. Mulder's email to me, in which he said something along the lines of "My friend Jameson and I..." were putting together this new website, as if--had he just said "Jameson"--I would've been all confused, wondering who or what this "Jameson" was. In fact, I have probably had two dozen social encounters with him, some lasting several hours, some even involving Patton Oswalt. But Joe put doubt into my head about just how well I knew this fellow. Also, until I poked around his website, I didn't actually know Jameson's last name (which, to save you the trouble, turns out to be "Simmons"). These factors combined to make me refer to that duo as "a good friend of mine and a good friend of his who is at least a solid acquaintance of mine", instead of "two friends of mine" or the like.

So, once and for all, I would like to take this opportunity to clarify the actual relationship between myself and Jameson Simmons. We are not, in fact, "solid acquaintances". We are, in fact, identical twins separated at birth and raised apart as part of a complex sociobiology experiment, as should be patently obvious to anyone who has ever seen us together.

Of course, I can't prove it to those of you who haven't, because we are not close enough for me to have the password to his photo gallery.

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