Monday, December 20, 2004

We take our exams on this software called Bluebook, which allows us to type them anonymously and strictly timed, then save to disk/CD/Flash. We are allowed in no way, shape or form to identify ourselves on these exams, except by a six character ID that is "E" followed by five digits (e.g. E55555).

Our exams are 4 hours long, and most people take the whole time, or at least within a minute or so. Very few people leave early, because in the interest of quietude, if you finish once the 10-minute warning has been called you are not allowed to get up and leave; thus if you leave early, you have finished or given up substantially early. Leaving early is apparently a social stigma signifying failure, over-confidence, or at least cockiness. It's an odd norm, but it is reinforced by relentless mocking, both covert and overt (as are many law school norms). One person in particular has received quite a ribbing in our section for leaving Property at least 15 minutes early.

So while I don't anticipate finishing Contracts with more than fleeting proofread time to spare at best, if I do somehow get done with time to spare, Professor Soper will probably receive an exam with several extra pages reading:

All work and no play makes E55555 a dull boy/girl.
All work and no play makes E55555 a dull boy/girl.
All work and no play makes E55555 a dull boy/girl.
All work and no play makes E55555 a dull boy/girl.
All work and no play makes E55555 a dull boy/girl.
All work and no play makes E55555 a dull boy/girl.
All work and no play makes E55555 a dull boy/girl.
All work and no play makes E55555 a dull boy/girl.
All work and no play makes E55555 a dull boy/girl.
All work and no play makes E55555 a dull boy/girl.
All work and no play makes E55555 a dull boy/girl....

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